MoveEV Tool Outlines What Fleets Are Losing When Drivers Don’t Plug In


MoveEV has debuted its Plug-in Hybrid (PHEV) Savings Calculator Tool: a means for fleet managers to visualize the cost implications and environmental consequences of plug-in hybrid EV misuse among employees who drive fleet vehicles.

At the core is a pervasive issue in the fleet industry: Plug-in hybrid drivers failing to plug in their vehicles, resulting in increased costs and environmental impact.

The PHEV Savings Calculator Tool provides the following:

  • Customized inputs: Fleet managers can input the number of fleet vehicles, local gasoline and electric prices (averages are provided but can be adjusted to specific use cases), and the average annual mileage;
  • Environmental impact:  The calculator shows how much additional CO2 the company’s drivers will emit over five years if they are not plugging the vehicles in;
  • Cost analysis: The tool calculates total missed savings opportunity when drivers fail to charge nightly along with the percentage fuel expenditure the company can save by implementing a driver reimbursement program.

“There are more than 860,000 PHEVs on the roads in America today, and many of them are owned or leased by companies looking to reduce their carbon footprint,” says MoveEV Co-Founder Kate Harrison. “Unfortunately, many fleet drivers take these vehicles home at night and don’t plug them in because they are not getting reimbursed for their home electricity bill. The result is that the same vehicles the company spent more money on to ‘be green’ end up costing them more to operate and having a larger carbon footprint.”

The PHEV Savings Calculator Tool is an addition to MoveEV’s suite of fleet management solutions, designed to make the transition to eco-friendly fleet operations smoother and more cost-efficient.

To learn more about the PHEV Savings Calculator Tool and ReimburseEV, click here.

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