Michigan Transit Agency Rolls Out Propane Autogas Buses


Allegan County Transportation, a transit system based in Michigan, has deployed seven new buses powered by propane autogas to help the county meet air quality attainment goals and save taxpayer dollars.

“Allegan County Transportation is excited to embark on propane autogas implementation for a number of reasons, including the improved air quality for all Allegan County residents along with substantial cost savings,” says Whitney Ehresman, transportation director with the county.

The county estimates it will save about 50% on fuel costs and up to 70% on maintenance costs.

“Propane autogas is a popular alternative fuel choice because propane vehicles have lower lifetime ownership costs, reduce maintenance burdens, and help fleets meet upcoming emissions standards,” says Todd Mouw, executive vice president of ROUSH CleanTech, the propane technology manufacturer.

Allegan County Transportation’s propane buses, which are 90% cleaner than the Environmental Protection Agency’s current emissions standard, better prepare the county for additional national emissions requirements set to be implemented in 2024 and 2027.

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