Maine Commission Approves Pilot Programs to Support EV Integration


Commissioners of the Maine Public Utilities Commission (MPUC) have voted unanimously to approve four initiatives from the solicitation conducted by the Commission to Support Beneficial Electrification of the Transportation Sector (Public Law 2019, ch. 365, 5).

As pilots, each program will provide valuable information to inform future policies to support EV deployment in Maine.

“The commission is pleased to support the electrification of the transportation sector. All four initiatives will benefit and support EVs in Maine consistent with the statute,” says Philip L. Bartlett, chairman of MPUC.

The four initiatives approved by the MPUC are:

  • A rebate program run by Efficiency Maine Trust (EMT) for level 2 EV charging stations. 60 rebates will be provided for $4,000 each, for a total of $240,000. 
  • A series of communications developed by EMT, including the creation of two how-to manuals for prospective and recent EV owners, a series of instructional videos to show the crucial elements of EV ownership to prospective purchasers, and 20 show and tell events throughout the state, which would include opportunities for attendees to drive or ride in an EV. These efforts total $55,050. 
  • A program run by CMP to provide $4,000 in make-ready work for the electrical infrastructure required to provide for 60 level 2 EV charging stations, for a total of $240,000.
  • A rate design program in CMP’s service territory providing for reduced demand charges to encourage the installation of level 3 EV charging stations.

A level 2 charger takes about eight hours to charge an EV and is usually located at workplaces, retail or residential locations. A level 3 charger can charge an EV at a much faster rate, generally around 20 minutes, and is generally placed at a public location such as a highway rest-stop.

During its First Regular Session, the 129th Maine Legislature enacted an Act to Support Electrification of Certain Technologies for the Benefit of Maine Consumers and Utility Systems and the Environment, Public Law 2019, ch. 365 5. The act directed the commission to solicit proposals for pilot programs to support the beneficial electrification of Maine’s transportation sector.

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