Groupe Autocar Jeannois Places Order for Lion Electric EV Buses for Quebec


The Lion Electric Co., a manufacturer of all-electric medium and heavy-duty urban vehicles, has received a purchase order from Groupe Autocar Jeannois for 35 zero-emission LionC school buses, to be delivered over the next five years. The purchase order also includes an option for Jeannois to purchase an additional five LionC buses.

These buses will be added to Jeannois’ existing fleet of three LionC all-electric buses. Jeannois has also placed a purchase order for four LionM buses to be delivered over the next four years, to gradually replace its luxury diesel-powered minibuses used in its corporate and tourist shuttle passenger transport branch.

In addition, Lion announced that Jeannois will become the first Lion authorized service center for the region of Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean. The opening of this service center further expands Lion’s presence in Quebec and is in line with its commitment to provide optimal service to all its customers, regardless of their location in the province. The authorized service center, which will complement Lion’s Experience Centers, will be a certified one-stop-shop for service, maintenance and warranty repairs for all local operators.

“This is excellent news for the region as 39 all-electric buses will be added to Groupe Autocar Jeannois’ fleet over the next five years,” mentions Marc Bedard, CEO and founder of Lion Electric. “This means that hundreds of children and adults will ride zero-emission buses in the Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean region, protecting their health and the environment in which they live.”

“We are proud to transport children and adults in zero-emission buses and to continue our transition towards electrification by increasing our fleet of all-electric Lion vehicles,” says Stephane Lefebvre, president and CEO of Groupe Autocar Jeannois. “At Groupe Autocar Jeannois, we are dedicated to offering the best products and to do our part to provide a cleaner future for our children and our community. As one of the leaders in school transportation in Quebec, we are also very proud to become the first authorized Lion Electric service center and contribute to the development of the electrification ecosystem.”

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