FreeWire Offers EV Charging Solutions for Chevron and Texaco Stations


FreeWire Technologies is making available battery-integrated electric vehicle (EV) charging equipment and solutions for Chevron’s branded stations. This will include both Chevron’s company-owned stations and its independently owned retailer and marketer stations.

“Our charging stations are helping retail locations like Chevron’s branded stations to enhance their offering to consumers,” says Arcady Sosinov, FreeWire’s founder and CEO. “Providing ultrafast, convenient charging at traditional fueling stations can help unlock new customer relationships with EV drivers.”

FreeWire’s program will provide an integrated approach by coupling battery-integrated chargers supported by energy management software with custom branding/design and analytics.

“Chevron believes the future of energy is lower carbon, and our program with FreeWire is another step on our journey to deliver all forms of energy to our customers,” states Jesse Love, Chevron’s retail brand experience manager. “We are committed to investing billions in lower-carbon projects over the next 10 years and are excited to join with companies like FreeWire that develop technologies that enhance our retail offerings and can grow our Chevron and Texaco brands.”

FreeWire’s fully integrated Boost Charger will allow customers to get 200 miles of range in 15 minutes. The Boost Charger plugs into existing low-voltage utility service and delivers high-power charging that typically requires extensive site improvements and grid upgrades.

“As the world electrifies, traditional fuelers are looking for turnkey, cost-effective solutions like ours,” continues Sosinov. “We’re honored to work with Chevron.” “As these charging stations are rolled out across our retail network in the United States, our customers will be able to find them and other services on our new Chevron and Texaco mobile apps,” Love adds. “Another cool example of delivering a great customer experience.”

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