Flix Looking to Deploy 50 LNG Motor Coaches


Flix, a transportation company that operates Europe’s largest long-distance bus network and is in the midst of an expansion into the U.S. and Canada, has formed a partnership with OEM Scania to accelerate the transition to sustainable mobility.

Among the companies’ strategies is a project to deploy up to 50 liquefied natural gas (LNG) coaches among Flix’s bus partners. The technologies used, developed and manufactured by Scania are devised to allow the use of LNG and bio-LNG interchangeably to facilitate the transition toward the most sustainable gas solution, the companies say.

In the initial phase of the project, the coaches will run on different natural gas mixes of bio and fossil origin. The goal of the project is to progressively increase the share of bio-LNG from organic waste in such mixes until the coaches run on bio-LNG only, resulting in an expected CO2 emission reduction rate of around 80% on average.

The outfitting of the coaches is expected to be completed by the end of 2025. Irizar, the global bus and coach manufacturer, is integrating the Irizar i6s Efficient with the Scania chassis.

“We are eager to seize any viable opportunity to reduce our carbon footprint on the environment, with fleet transformation being crucial to this end,” says Fabian Stenger, chief operating officer at Flix. “Scania is an extremely valuable ally for Flix and our bus partners who operate the business in different countries, and we are happy to be able to rely on their long-term expertise and know-how to contribute to reshaping long-distance mobility.”

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