Duke Energy Launches EV Initiatives in Florida


Duke Energy is installing up to 530 electric vehicle (EV) charging stations within its Florida service area.

The company is working with various communities and groups to install the units for public use in multi-unit dwellings, workplaces and other locations with broad public access, such as sites with high traffic or in major corridors. Host sites are being selected through an application process.

Additionally, 10% of the charging stations will be installed in income-qualified communities.

“I’m excited about the opportunities the Park and Plug pilot program will provide for our customers throughout the state,” says Catherine Stempien, Duke Energy Florida’s president. “We are bringing cleaner energy to Florida through 700 MW of new universal solar, and we are helping our customers to bring clean transportation to the state, as well. We are committed to providing smarter, cleaner energy alternatives for all our customers.”

Duke Energy selected NovaCHARGE LLC to supply equipment, install the charging stations and integrate services for the Park and Plug pilot program. Selected host sites for the program will work directly with NovaCHARGE to have the equipment installed.

“We are truly honored to have been selected by Duke Energy Florida to manage the rollout of the new Park and Plug program,” comments Helda Rodriguez, NovaCHARGE’s president. “We look forward to working with Duke Energy and expanding EV infrastructure throughout Florida.”

Separately, Duke Energy Florida recently launched a “Charge Florida” study to research and promote EV adoption. The three-year study will provide additional insight into the impact of residential EV charging on the electric grid.

Information will be collected with the help of approximately 200 Duke Energy Florida customer volunteers who are EV drivers. Basic data such as the location, time frame and length of vehicle charging, and battery state-of-charge information will be compiled to produce a comprehensive dataset that will be used to plan for the integration of EV charging demand.

Study volunteers will receive access to the FleetCarma C2, a device used to monitor vehicle charging and battery use. After the first year of baseline data gathering, the program’s second phase will encourage participants to modify their charging behaviors to reduce the impacts of EV charging on the grid. Volunteers will also receive compensation for their participation, as well as incentives to stay engaged in the program.

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