D.C. Welcomes New Electric Bus Fleet


Today, Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser continued to celebrate #EarthWeekDC by welcoming a new fleet of 14 electric buses that will be used for public transit.

Taking to the road on May 1, the bus rollout will be the largest electric bus fleet in the D.C. region. The new buses will be released across all six distinct DC Circulator routes and will represent 18% of the total DC Circulator fleet.

The Proterra E2 Catalyst buses, manufactured in the U.S., run on 100% battery-electric propulsion. The vehicles will bring quiet and zero-emission transportation to more than 4.8 million annual riders and the DC Circulator’s 189 drivers.

Bowser declared #EarthWeekDC by launching a series of events that celebrate Earth Day and highlight her administration’s progress toward making D.C. the “healthiest, greenest and most livable city in the U.S.,” according to a press release from the mayor’s office.

The bus deployment was celebrated this morning at the Downtown BID’s Annual State of Downtown Forum.

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