Chart/Hyzon Partnership Will Focus on Liquid Hydrogen Heavy-Duty Transportation


Hyzon Motors Inc. and Chart Industries Inc. have formed an agreement to develop and produce a liquid hydrogen-powered heavy-duty commercial vehicle with a range of up to 1,000 miles.

Liquid hydrogen stores at twice the density of current 700 bar gaseous storage, enabling a tank of liquid hydrogen to fuel a vehicle for nearly twice the distance. Liquid hydrogen also improves a truck’s payload capacity, as the storage tanks weigh less than 700 bar tanks.

However, mobile tanks that store liquid hydrogen require temperatures of -423 °F. The partnership creates an opportunity to address this challenge by combining Chart’s liquid hydrogen equipment expertise with Hyzon’s experience manufacturing heavy-duty hydrogen vehicles.

“With the current technology, fuel cell electric vehicles provide solutions for back-to-base trucking models,” says Hyzon CEO Craig Knight. “The extended range would significantly accelerate the adoption of hydrogen FCEV over-the-road transport solutions, given the reduced infrastructure needs and increased refueling hub utilization.”

“With our over 55 years making liquid hydrogen equipment, we are excited to see this application for our liquid onboard hydrogen tank,” adds Jill Evanko, Chart’s CEO and president. “Hyzon is a great partner for this – not only for their fuel cell capabilities, but also for their customer base that is ready for this long-haul heavy-duty solution now; not in five years.

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