CARB Approves Cenntro LS400 EV for HVIP Participation


Cenntro Electric Group, an electric vehicle technology company, says its all-electric Class 4 Logistar 400 (LS400) has received approval from the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to participate in California’s Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project (HVIP) in California, providing a $60,000 point-of-sale voucher for the company’s customers.

Preceding the HVIP approval, the LS400 received certification from CARB as a zero-emission vehicle in California in June. The zero-emission vehicle certification is awarded to vehicle manufacturers that meet specific emissions standards in compliance with CARB regulations. The LS400’s certification as a zero-emission vehicle cleared the way for the LS400 to be approved for participation in the HVIP. In December 2022, the LS400 also received a certificate of conformity from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Approval to participate in the HVIP program is awarded to vehicle manufacturers that meet specific on-road zero-emission powertrain standards in compliance with CARB regulations. California’s HVIP incentive program is intended to advance adoption and commercialization of fleet vehicles, helping to reduce the total cost of ownership of hybrid and zero-emission commercial vehicles in the state of California.

“HVIP approval not only accelerates our commercialization of the LS400, but makes the model more affordable and attractive to our customers by offering point-of-sale vouchers in California,” says Peter Wang, chairman and CEO of Cenntro. “Through our California dealer network, Cenntro is now providing our fleet customers with the ability to electrify their fleet, reduce their carbon footprint and significantly lower their cost of operations. With HVIP approval, LS400 customers will now immediately benefit from product vouchers valued at $60,000 at the point-of-sale. We expect this incentive to drive sales in California as we propel commercial fleet electrification across the US and worldwide.”

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