California County Purchases Beam Global Off-Grid EV Charging System


The County of San Luis Obispo in California has deployed Beam Global’s EV ARC solar-powered electric vehicle (EV) charging system to charge county fleet EVs.

The EV ARC system fits in a standard parking space, without reducing available parking, and is equipped with three Enel X JuiceBox Pro EV charging stations. The EV ARC system generates and stores its own clean electricity and delivers that electricity to power EVs, day or night, and during inclement weather and power outages. The transportable but permanent unit includes the Emergency Power Panel option for first responder use during blackouts or in locations where there is no utility connection available.

“Energy resiliency is fast becoming a critical consideration for EV charging infrastructure in the wake of extreme weather, related power outages or shutdowns, and increasing strain on the U.S. electric grid,” says Beam Global CEO Desmond Wheatley.

“The County of San Luis Obispo joins over 100 forward-thinking municipalities and organizations in proactively planning ahead by deploying off-grid, renewably powered EV ARC EV charging systems,” adds Wheatley. “We note that federal, state and local governments are putting increasing emphasis on resilient EV charging as electricity becomes vital fuel for their fleet vehicles.”

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