California Bills Supporting Clean Transportation Move Through State Assembly


The California Natural Gas Vehicle Coalition (CNGVC) says two important clean-transportation measures have passed the state assembly and are now in the state senate awaiting a hearing.

AB 2836, sponsored by Assembly Member Eduardo Garcia (D-Coachella) will extend the sunset date for the Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program to Jan. 1, 2034.

CNGVC says it supports this action because it will continue the successful legacy of the Carl Moyer program in placing low-carbon clean trucks on California roads to increase near-term emission reductions.

The assembly approved the bill by a 65 to 0 vote.

Also, AB 2058 from Assembly Member Patrick O’Donnell (D-Long Beach) will increase funding for the Career Technical Education Incentive Grant Program to $450 million annually and consolidate existing K-12 career technical education programs. CNGVC says technical training programs will be critical as California’s clean transportation industry grows, and the effective delivery of workforce training is essential.

Part of the bill establishes the Golden State Pathways Program, a supplement to the California Career Technical Education Incentive Grant Program aimed at “high-wage, high-skill, high-growth areas,” such as technology and climate-related fields.

The measure passed with a 76 to 0 vote.

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