C2A Security Releases Cybersecurity Management for EV Ecosystem


C2A Security, a provider of electric vehicle-focused cybersecurity solutions, has released EVSec, a new cybersecurity management system that automates cybersecurity for the electric vehicle (EV) ecosystem, which includes the vehicle, charging station, grid and their communications protocol.

EVSec breaks down communication silos and enables sharing and collaboration of the entire cybersecurity process in the complex EV ecosystems.

“Electric vehicles and the charging infrastructure present cybersecurity challenges to OEM, suppliers, charging station operators and many other stakeholders in this vast ecosystem. They have to implement comprehensive cybersecurity measures from the early phases of development through the entire lifecycle,” says Roy Fridman, CEO at C2A Security. “Only through a centralized, automated and managed security approach can players in the ecosystem share security information, understand risk and mitigate new vulnerabilities. “

C2A Security’s EVSec addresses the cybersecurity needs of the entire electric vehicle ecosystem from the vehicle, charger and grid, creating transparency, communication and collaboration with one automated and centralized solution. EVSec breaks down communication silos to create a true cybersecurity single pane of glass.

The comprehensive management system for the EV and the charging infrastructure offers scalable threat analysis and risk assessment (TARA), and automated fuzz testing and real-time mitigation at the ECU and network level.

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