Boston Public Schools Begins Adoption of Electric Buses


Blue Bird Corporation and Anderson Blue Bird Bus Sales of New England have delivered the first 20 Blue Bird Vision electric school buses to Boston Public Schools (BPS).

The Vision can carry a maximum of 71 students for up to 120 miles on a single charge. The vehicles take approximately four hours to charge from 0% to 100%, based on BPS’s Level 3 fast chargers installed at its Readville, Mass., bus depot.

“This pilot program is an important step in our work towards a fully electric fleet by 2030, as part of the Green New Deal for Boston Public Schools,” says Mary Skipper, superintendent for Boston Public Schools. “These buses are quieter, cleaner, and are an essential part of reducing BPS’ carbon footprint and creating a healthier city.”

BPS has been working with Anderson Blue Bird Bus Sales of New England for more than 10 years to help maintain a fleet of nearly 750 buses, approximately a third which are diesel-powered.

“BPS’s transition from a diesel to a propane and now an electric powered fleet demonstrates the commitment the Boston Public Schools and The City of Boston has undertaken to provide a cleaner, more sustainable environment within the city boundaries: Boston EV Strong,” comments Jim Anderson, vice president of Anderson Blue Bird Bus Sales of New England.

Boston Public Schools anticipates significant cost savings from reducing the fuel and maintenance costs tied to traditional diesel-powered vehicles. Select Blue Bird customers report fuel costs of up to 49 cents per mile for their diesel buses, compared to an average 14 cents per mile in energy costs for electric buses.

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