Blue Bird Offers Ultra-Low NOx Option for Propane Autogas School Buses


Certified by both the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the California Air Resources Board at 0.02 grams per brake horsepower (g/bhp-hr), Blue Bird’s Vision propane autogas buses now offer an ultra-low NOx level option.

Developed in partnership with Roush CleanTech, this version is 90% cleaner than the current emissions standard and 10 times cleaner than any non-Blue Bird propane autogas school bus option available, the company claims.

Last year, Blue Bird released a 0.05 g/bhp-hr NOx Ford 6.8L engine for its Vision Propane buses, which, at the time, operated with the lowest NOx levels of any engine in Class 4-7 vehicles on the market, according to the company. CARB has further encouraged engine manufacturers to reduce levels below the current mandatory EPA standard of 0.2 g/bhp-hr.

“To continue our tradition in alternative fuels leadership, we are proud to be the first manufacturer certified to this lowest NOx level in a Type C school bus. Our overarching goal is to continually build a better bus that provides a clean and safe environment for our students and communities,” says Mark Terry, chief commercial officer of Blue Bird. “The Blue Bird Vision Propane continues to dominate, and we continue to make investments to ensure it exceeds our customers’ expectations with the lowest NOx emissions and the lowest ownership costs.”

Blue Bird says the ultra-low NOx option opens more doors for additional grant incentives, as well as higher levels of funding, including those from the Volkswagen Dieselgate settlement.

“Many school districts will have access to funding to replace aging diesel models with clean-burning propane buses,” notes Todd Mouw, president of ROUSH CleanTech.

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Sam Prak
Sam Prak
6 years ago

Propane is the biggest mistake ever. It causes learning problem in kids who get exposed to it daily. Now you guys are putting in the school bus? I will give it a year or 2 after these buses starts running. Then you will see a decrease in kids grades where these buses run. Not to mention to crime will also increase. When that day comes. I hope you remember by comment here.

Go with electric if you want to go green!

Propane Solved