Biogas-to-RNG Facility Approved for Kern County, Calif.


The California Energy Commission (CEC) has given the green light to a facility that will turn biogas into renewable natural gas (RNG) for transportation.

At a meeting on April 11, the CEC approved a $3.05 million grant for California Bioenergy LLC to construct the facility. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) findings showed that the company’s proposed Kern Dairy Cluster Biomethane Upgrading Facility Project “presents no new significant or substantially more severe environmental impacts beyond those already considered and mitigated,” according to the CEC.

California Bioenergy will design, build and operate the centralized biomethane
upgrading facility, which will clean biogas from anaerobic digesters at a dairy cluster in
Kern County.

Annually, the project is expected to produce 500,000 diesel gallon equivalents of RNG, which will be used to fuel heavy-duty compressed natural gas trucks and buses.

Funding came from the CEC’s Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program, which invests in advanced alternative and renewable fuels and vehicle technologies.

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