BeamSpot System Provides Curbside EV Charging


Beam Global, a provider of infrastructure solutions for the electrification of transportation and energy security, has introduced the patented BeamSpot curbside electric vehicle charging infrastructure system.

The streetlight replacement combines solar-, wind- and utility-generated electricity into Beam Global’s proprietary integrated batteries to provide resiliency, lighting and curbside EV charging.

BeamSpot products are intended for public use in areas where EV charging is needed most but traditional installation methods are most challenging. That includes street parking environments, communities with multi-unit housing, and public access complexes such as shopping centers, airports, event centers, stadiums and amusement parks.

In 2023, Beam Global created Beam Europe through the acquisition of Amiga DOO, one of Europe’s leading manufacturers of streetlights. One of the many benefits of the acquisition was the enhancement of Beam Global’s ability to bring the BeamSpot product to market in both Europe and the U.S.

“We believe our BeamSpot product line will solve real problems both in America and in Europe: expanding access to charging where people need it most, at the curb on the street and in parking lots,” says Desmond Wheatley, CEO of Beam Global. “Areas with the most EVs often face significant challenges in deploying infrastructure and managing increased electricity demand. Traditional charging infrastructure can be costly and disruptive to install, often requiring significant modifications to existing public spaces.

“BeamSpot charging stations minimize the need for disruptive construction and electrical work while providing access to charging where people live, shop, dine, work and play,” adds Wheatley. “And because BeamSpot generates and stores renewable energy, it will add robust capacity and reduce the threat from blackouts, without the need to build power stations and transmission and distribution infrastructure.”

BeamSpot replaces existing streetlights with a product that combines multiple sources of renewable energy and onboard battery storage, providing EV charging without requiring new or upgraded utility-grid circuits or other traditional curbside charging infrastructure requirements like trenching, construction, easements, leasing or complex permitting. BeamSpot can reduce the time, cost and complexity of expanding EV charging infrastructure while lowering utility costs, increasing resiliency and balancing the grid.

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