Arizona DOT Chooses AECOM for Statewide EV Charging Station Planning


The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) Multimodal Planning Division has selected AECOM to develop a plan for the statewide deployment of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, which will demonstrate how ADOT can deploy EV charging stations adjacent to state alternative fuel corridors and interstates and comply with Federal National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) guidance.

The development of an EV infrastructure deployment plan will also educate the public, with the goal of reducing range anxiety and encouraging vehicle purchasers to consider EVs as a viable alternative to gasoline- or diesel-powered vehicles.

“With the creation of the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation, there is an immense opportunity to transform how mobility is addressed within our communities,” says Jennifer Aument, CEO of AECOM’s global transportation business. “As a leader in emerging electrification technologies, we’re intimately familiar with NEVI guidance and have a deep bench of capabilities to support our clients as they navigate the transportation-energy nexus. We look forward to partnering with ADOT to deliver a data-driven, strategic plan for the siting of EV chargers and assisting the state in receiving significant benefits from federal funding sources.”

In addition to delivering an EV infrastructure deployment plan, AECOM’s scope is expected to include project management to support goals and objectives; stakeholder engagement and outreach to help the public understand opportunities and capture feedback; existing and future conditions analysis, including charging demand and grid capacity assessment; support and guidance for future EV charging infrastructure deployment, including siting and charging location cost analysis; and federal funding compliance, such as NEVI guidance.

“Transportation electrification is key to improving environmental and public health while bolstering transit mobility, parity, and sustainability. Our team of experts, who reflect nationwide best practices and local experience, are thrilled to support Arizona’s deployment of a convenient, affordable, reliable, and equitable EV network in this capacity,” states Travis Boone, CEO of AECOM’s U.S. West region. “In line with our sustainable legacies strategy, we’re proud to work with clients such as ADOT to help them achieve their electrification goals and are excited to partner with the Multimodal Planning Division to execute a successful and expediated EV infrastructure deployment plan.”

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