Another City to Charge Fleet with Envision Solar EV ARC Product


In its latest announcement, Envision Solar International Inc. says that the city of Oakland, Calif., will deploy three of its EV ARC products to provide emissions-free electric vehicle (EV) charging and emergency power.

According to Envision, the city is committed to sustainable operations overall and making its fleet as green as possible, noting that 43% of the city’s annual 700,000 gallons of fuel consumed is a low carbon or renewable alternative fuel.

As reported, Oakland has 26 EVs today and intends to increase that number going forward.

Through the city’s ongoing efforts to reduce its carbon footprint and provide clean and reliable power, Oakland intends to use solar energy to power its green fleet and as a potential source of backup power to add resiliency, in the event of a power outage or lost access to other fuels.

“The city of Oakland cares about the environment and providing the best and most reliable services to our residents and visitors,” says Richard Battersby, manager of equipment services division. “Deploying solar-powered EV chargers [that] are made in California and require no construction or disruption and provide emergency power without ever generating a utility bill for our tax payers is a win-win for the city and everyone who lives here.”

“Oakland is the latest city to recognize the benefits of driving on sunshine with our EV ARCs,” comments Envision Solar CEO Desmond Wheatley. “We are delighted to be working with them and look forward to enabling much more clean, green, impact-free charging infrastructure for them in the future.”

Envision has deployed EV ARC products in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Boulder, Sacramento and others, while currently fulfilling orders for Santa Monica, Maywood, Oakland and more.

As previously reported, the EV ARC product fits inside a parking space and generates enough solar electricity to power up to 225 miles of EV driving in a day.

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