ADS-TEC Energy Debuts ChargePost Ultra-Fast EV Charging System


ADS-TEC Energy has released ChargePost, a compact, battery-based charging systems enabling ultra-fast electric vehicle charging, on existing power connections, without the need to extend existing grids. The system has an all-in-one design that integrates the battery, power electronics, cooling system and charger in a compact package requiring 21.5 square feet of ground space.

Each ChargePost is equipped with two charging points for ultra-fast EV charging, giving drivers 60 miles of range in just a few minutes (up to 300 kW DC power with one charging point and 150 kW with two charging points in use at the same time) and up to two optional 75-inch digital displays on its exterior surfaces. ChargePost has a configurable 143 or 201 kWh battery capacity.

“ChargePost delivers a new level of excellence for EV charging, combining the highest charging power with high-end quality materials and large displays in a battery-stored, all-in-one charging solution,” says Thomas Speidel, CEO of ADS-TEC Energy. “This solution supports the transition to electric vehicles and can accelerate the expansion of charging infrastructure throughout Europe and the U.S.”

ChargePost is available immediately in Germany and Europe and will be available in the U.S. soon.

ChargePost combines battery-stored and boosted charging power at two charging points, including power electronics and air conditioning, in an extremely powerful, compact, low-noise “all-in-one” system. With simple, quick set-up – by forklift – ChargePost features plug-and-play installation at ground level, connecting directly to the existing, power-limited, low-voltage grid. Ultra-fast EV charging is possible almost anywhere with ChargePost, including inner cities and rural areas where high-voltage grids are often not available.

ChargePost is ideal for gas stations, car dealerships, transport logistics companies, office and commercial buildings, and fleet operators whose vehicles run in multiple shifts and need to charge quickly. In large residential buildings or neighborhoods, ChargePost is a real and future-proof alternative to conventional AC wall chargers, which cannot be installed in sufficient numbers everywhere. ChargePost offers maximum flexibility for spontaneous and rapid charging of several vehicles in succession.

The configurable battery capacity of ChargePost is between 143 and 201 kW. The integrated charging cable with uncooled CCS1/CCS2 connector is at least three meters long. The 10-inch touchscreen interface is particularly user-friendly and includes an easy-to-use payment terminal. This equips the system for the future as a public charging station. It is also easy to maintain with direct access to modular functional units such as battery elements, cooling and monitors. Battery modules can be replaced individually as needed, and an intelligent control system optimizes the system for ideal operation. This increases the longevity and makes the system particularly efficient.

The optional 75-inch displays on ChargePost’s side panels provide 4K/ultra high-definition image/video quality for revenue-generating advertising. As attention-grabbing visual attractors, the displays offer an impressive canvas for a variety of possible customized image and video messages that chargepoint operators can use to advertise their own offerings or sell to other brands.

The system enables the additional integration of a camera for motion detection or video recording and energy-efficient, safe operation. With these features, ChargePost enables electric vehicle charging as well as advertising. The integrated battery system also serves as an energy platform: In conjunction with a photo-voltaic (PV) system, low-cost in-house electricity can be used to charge EVs or for grid services. The possibility of feeding stored energy bidirectional back into the grid – available in the first half of 2023 – is a special feature of the ChargePost and opens up completely new business models for operators.

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