Adomani Receives HVIP-Eligible All-Electric Type D School Bus


Adomani Inc., a California-based provider of advanced zero-emission and hybrid vehicle drivetrain solutions and purpose-built electric vehicles, has taken delivery of its first all-electric Type D school bus.

According to the company, the 72-passenger bus uses the latest electric drivetrain and battery technologies and meets certain California and federal requirements that must be satisfied in order to refer to the vehicle as “zero-emissions,” which opens up grant and incentive funding opportunities.

As reported, the bus has already been awarded a place on the California Air Resources Board’s Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project’s (HVIP) coveted vehicle eligibility list for a voucher amount of $95,000 and, under certain circumstances, up to $120,000.

HVIP offers point-of-sale incentives for clean trucks and buses in California, and HVIP dealers offer reduced-price vehicles directly to purchasers.

Adomani says it will be taking its bus on tour, beginning with California schools that have been selected by the South Coast Air Quality Management District and the 13 applicants for the North Coast Unified Air Quality Management District for funding directly tied to the purchases of all-electric school buses.

“Adomani’s focus is on zero-emission drivetrain systems that are safe, reliable and durable – and that also potentially lower maintenance and fueling budgets and improve the air quality for the operators, student passengers and the communities where they operate,” says Adomani CEO Jim Reynolds.

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