Dragonfly Energizes Highway Transport Fleet with Battle Born APUs


Dragonfly Energy Holdings Corp., maker of Battle Born batteries, is partnering with Highway Transport to begin integrating the Battle Born All-Electric auxiliary power unit (APU) into its fleet. This marks a notable move toward improved sustainability for Highway Transport, which plans to transition its fleet of over 500 trucks to a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution. Highway Transport is expected to install the Battle Born All-Electric APU on new tractors in addition to retrofitting current models.

The Battle Born All-Electric APU is an advanced lithium-ion battery system that provides ample wattage to run auxiliary power on trucks, even when a truck’s engine is not running. It allows the operation of HVAC, appliances and other electronics, while the truck is off. The product produces zero harmful emissions and no loud engine idling. The unit recharges during drivetime and is expected to reduce Highway Transport’s fuel costs while increasing sustainability through emission reductions.

Highway Transport’s commitment to environmental responsibility is formalized in its Green Treads sustainability initiative. By partnering with Dragonfly Energy to implement the Battle Born All-Electric APU, Highway Transport is taking a concrete step toward achieving its Green Treads goals of reducing emissions, improving fuel efficiency, and enhancing driver comfort.

“At Highway Transport, sustainability and driver well-being are paramount,” says Marshall Franklin, CEO and chief financial officer for Highway Transport. “Dragonfly Energy’s solution allows us to make significant strides on both fronts. The added benefit of fuel cost savings further strengthens the value proposition of this partnership.”

The company’s pilot program and initial trials have shown promising results for fleets. The all-electric lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4)-based unit has demonstrated extended power delivery and reliable performance, including the ability to consistently power hotel loads for 12 to 16 hours, even in extreme summer heat.

“We’ve received immensely positive feedback on this product from both CEOs and drivers alike,” says Wade Seaburg, chief revenue officer of Dragonfly Energy. “We believe our product not only has the potential to enhance customer’s financial performance, but also provides benefits to both the environment and the daily user. As more fleet operators transition toward sustainability, Dragonfly Energy is ready to support this shift with our lithium power solutions, offering a win-win for all involved.”

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