CLEAResult Receives Grant for California Multifamily EV Charging Project


CLEAResult’s proposed electric vehicle (EV) charging project has received a $2 million Reliable, Equitable, and Accessible Charging for multifamily Housing (REACH) grant from the California Energy Commission to help speed up affordable access to EV infrastructure in the state. The multifamily project will deploy at least 100 Level 2 EV charging ports to serve 300 multifamily households.

CLEAResult will first complete engineering design and construction for the project, then install the chargers in each community and operate them for the first five years. This timeline ensures that the project model is set up for long-term sustainability from the start. The team will also prioritize engagement opportunities with property managers and residents early on to make sure everyone’s input is received and value is being added equitably in each community.

“We engage with the full community from start to finish for multifamily EV projects, including management, tenants and property owners in our conversations,” says James Russell, director of CLEAResult’s Transportation Electrification practice. “It’s a two-way process. Our team educates the community on the benefits of zero emission vehicles, and in turn, stakeholders let us know what they need delivered to make this project successful for them.”

Surveys will be conducted in each community to gage EV interest and better understand people’s barriers to adoption. The company’s team will then host local workshops to answer questions, gather feedback and provide additional educational resources as needed such as information on how to save money on EV purchases or leases.

The project is designed with scalability and equity at the core. Widespread charging access is necessary to make EV adoption possible for all, and CLEAResult expects that 70% of the housing units that get access to charging through this project will be affordable housing, exceeding the grant’s goal of 50%.

“We have extensive experience with multifamily properties and are very excited for this program,” CLEAResult CEO Rich McBee adds. “These are traditionally hard-to-reach communities with some of the highest barriers to entry. So, when we can step in to support people early on, we can really prepare them for a clean energy future that’s affordable and accessible to everyone.”

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