Ricardo, Future Mobility Corp. to Develop New EVs for Global Markets


Ricardo has signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Future Mobility Corp. (FMC) to provide engineering support for the development of a family of electric vehicles (EVs) for customers in Asia, North America and Europe.

Recently formed in 2016, FMC aims to redefine the market for “high-quality, feature-rich” EVs, enhancing performance, functionality and affordability across multiple international markets. The company expects to see its first products delivered to market by 2020, as part of a completely new product range that will embrace the latest EV technologies.

To help fulfill its product development plans, FMC will work with Ricardo on an international basis, drawing on the resources of its vehicle and electric/electronic systems engineering teams based at Ricardo technical centers throughout the U.K., continental Europe and China.

“Future Mobility Corporation is one of China’s most exciting companies within the new energy vehicle sector,” says Martin Tolliday, Ricardo managing director of hybrid and electric systems. “The company has ambitious plans to push forward the state of the art in electric vehicles and create new products that are attractive to customers across world markets.”

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