Opal Fuels Invests in Indiana RNG Facility


OPAL Fuels LLC, a Fortistar portfolio company and producer and distributor of renewable natural gas (RNG), has announced an investment in Bio Town Biogas.

The RNG production facility, located in Indiana, will feature a large-scale dairy digester that will produce about 1,000 MMBTUs of fuel per day.

Expected to achieve an ultra-low carbon intensity score, the project will not only convert biogas to electricity from cattle manure at its host site but also truck in manure from local dairy farms to convert to RNG. OPAL Fuels then distributes the fuel through its network of over 140 service stations, which together operate as TruStar Energy.

“This project makes it abundantly clear that RNG can save the planet while saving companies money,” says Jon Maurer, co-CEO of OPAL Fuels LLC. “RNG is a true win-win, as it also supplies a valuable revenue stream for farmers. We are particularly proud to be working with several Indiana beef cattle and dairy farms to achieve the scale to make this project even more impactful. These are farms that have the foresight to understand how being a key RNG supplier would be valuable to their bottom line. The OPAL Fuels team is in the RNG business to lower emissions, lower fuel costs and help farmers. This project is a major step towards us fulfilling our mission.”

The project will provide the equivalent of 28.5 million gallons of fuel per year with net-zero emissions to OPAL Fuels fleet customers – enough fuel to allow roughly 2,400 heavy-duty trucks to achieve carbon-neutral emissions in their operations.

Earlier this year, Fortistar Methane Group and TruStar Energy announced a merger (under Opal Fuels LLC) to form a new, fully integrated renewable fuels supply company for North America.

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Matt Tomich
Matt Tomich
2 years ago

Fascinating project. Hard to believe/imagine a dairy RNG project producing 28 million GGEs. Perhaps 2.8 million?